Monday, March 7, 2011

Book Face.

Sometimes knowing too much about someone is not a good thing. Facebook.

Sometimes seeing statuses make you feel crappy, left out, "in" on some sort of inside joke, or even happy. Sometimes you don't want to know how everyone's fabulous weekend went when yours absolutely sucked. Not everyone sees you statuses, so why would you post something that bashes someone directly or saying something to make him or her jealous. I don't believe that's healthy.

1,027 friends, huh? So you REALLY know a Ricardo de Guapo San Alverez Betachino from that sketchy third world country? Since when is it a race to see who has the most "friends"?

I'm sorry boy or girl who posts a picture every thirty seconds, i'm  not going to look at your 5,000 self portraits and comment or "like" them. I don't care how you just bought a new hat and I don't want to know what you look like in it unless I ask.

You know what? Good job getting into a relationship with that random kid. Oh you're married at 14? Wow! Widowed at 15?

Hmm.. sometimes Facebook just sucks. Why don't I stop Facebook? It has a positive. Communication with people you care about.

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