Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Boo hoo.

I hate it when the doctor asks you questions like, does this hurt,
and stuff like that and you NEVER would have noticed that thing hurting until they asked. Then all you think about is how much it hurts. I swear it's some kind of psychological trick doctors do. Conspiracy. Never trust the system.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dumb people quotes.

"I don't like it when stuff makes me figure out problems" -sophmore girl in Web Design

Monday, March 7, 2011

Book Face.

Sometimes knowing too much about someone is not a good thing. Facebook.

Sometimes seeing statuses make you feel crappy, left out, "in" on some sort of inside joke, or even happy. Sometimes you don't want to know how everyone's fabulous weekend went when yours absolutely sucked. Not everyone sees you statuses, so why would you post something that bashes someone directly or saying something to make him or her jealous. I don't believe that's healthy.

1,027 friends, huh? So you REALLY know a Ricardo de Guapo San Alverez Betachino from that sketchy third world country? Since when is it a race to see who has the most "friends"?

I'm sorry boy or girl who posts a picture every thirty seconds, i'm  not going to look at your 5,000 self portraits and comment or "like" them. I don't care how you just bought a new hat and I don't want to know what you look like in it unless I ask.

You know what? Good job getting into a relationship with that random kid. Oh you're married at 14? Wow! Widowed at 15?

Hmm.. sometimes Facebook just sucks. Why don't I stop Facebook? It has a positive. Communication with people you care about.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What kind of world do you want?

The world is beautiful. It's grand. Nature is wonderful (when it's not uber itchy or scary or gross). We watched a video on renewable resources today in physics, and the world would be so much better if we used that technology. Some guy can make your car run on vegetable oil. It's pure crazy awesome. I took that picture on my phone driving to california. Really pretty stuff.
Peace an' buh-lessings.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Everyone sucks at tennis

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Google. Seriously.

You wanna know what's funny? My last few google searches on my phone. It includes the following:
what state is area code 810
How many yards in a mile swim
Scout on Up
Are swedish fish sugar free
Why did Jews and Samaritans not get along
Funny bunnies
and that was just the most recent history I haven't cleared yet.

Oh. Here's one result of "funny bunnies":

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day o' love

Thing about Valentine's Day is that you either have a really good day or a really bad day. There is really no in between. Luckily, this year I got the really good day. Sorry for all of those who didn't. Here is a funny ad.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mixin' drinks

Let's just say 75% Sprite and 25% Cran-pomegranite juice is really good. Justin Bieber is a babe times forty and his voice is divine. Can't wait to see his movie. Valentine's Day is Monday.. hmm.
Breathe the love.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I'm only human.

Nobody's perfect. Duh. Duh. Duh.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Blah blah blah

Nervous for state. Excited for sweethearts. Can't wait until prom. I love my pink kitty watch. I will cry if it ever dies. I will cry if something happens to my lamb Pascua. I would cry if Justin Bieber died. Man that would be bad... maybe I should say some positive things. That would be awesome if I got a medal at state. I would cry of happiness. Especially if I got an "A" in 1050. Miracles happen. That reminds me of Princess Diaries. I wish my name had an "s" in it so I could use a dollar sign. Or a "z" if the "s" was at the end. I like pokémon.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Embarassed of embarassment.

I think it's funny when kids get embarassed of their parents. My parents get embarassed of me. I believe my parents are hilarious. There is a point where thinking too much of what others think of you gets really annoying.
Ya noobs.

Friday, February 4, 2011

E=mc.. what?

I don't believe I'm smart. I do believe I use more common sense than others. But even then, I do make dumb mistakes. Like today in Web Page Design some annoying girl who never shuts up was freaking out because I finished a project when no one else was close. She called me "that speedy smart girl over there". No, I don't believe that's my name. I'm not sure if anyone realized that there are step by step instructions in the book that explains how to do the projects every chapter. Am I reading the same chapter as them? I just don't get it. I don't mean to be rude. Anywhos.
More thoughts another day

Blogger App? Excellent.

Well.. I found this wonderful app and I'm considering the world of blogging once again. Hoorah.