Friday, August 10, 2012

I like cats.

I don't know if you guys know this, but I really like cats. Especially in the stuff I do. I know you all just long for when I make this kind of crap.

And don't be all like, "hey this luks lik 1 u'v dun b4."
Kinda, but not really.
I like cats AND space. SO GET OVER IT, YOU TROLLS.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Super Me.

I feel like a hero right now. Not really. But listen to me.. I mean read what I'm typing.
So I saw this bleepin' bleeper boy impersonating a very innocent kid on Twitter (the worst social network known to man; but what isn't, I suppose) and saying vulgar and inappropriate things to other people. Of course the people he was offending didn't know it WASN'T the kid that was in the picture which is, seriously, so wrong considering they go to school with him and they could potentially like.. ruin him. So with my tattle tellin' skills, I do what any weirdo who thinks it would actually work would do..: Report.. him..
I know. I know. But guess what, folks, IT WORKED. He was suspended, and suddenly he decided to delete this account. Of course I'm probably going to tell the kid's dad too, because I hate him. MEH! But still. Give me props. I think I saved that poor kid's bottom.
This post probably made no sense. Oh well. I don't care.
Go to sleep, psychos.

mmm.. okay..

Alright. Not as great as I envisioned whatevzzz.
Here ya go, folks.

When you SHOULD be doing other things..

All I ever wanna do is make crap on photoshop.. I should be doing productive stuff considering college is coming, but come oooonn.. It's summer! And the first time I don't have classes.. Let me do what I want for like... two minutes!
So yeah. This ^^^^ means that I am currently working on a masterpiece that you will probably steal and put on your desktop, it's that great. Oh wait. No one reads this. So I'm good. wooohooo..
See ya crack-heads.